Thursday 21 April 2016

How to make your Lips Lighter and Pink Naturally

Pink Lips

Getting your lips darker and dull it's just like something missing in your beauty. If you don't have a lighter or pinkish lips then it's going to wrong with your face. pink lips give you a self confident to talk with anyone to standing front of them. Some of people having darker lips from their birth and some getting their lips darker day by day.There are many reason behind of your darker lips but don't worry about it. No matter your lips are dark from your birth or it has been darker day by day. Because now i am going to tell you some amazing home remedies which helps you to lighter lips and also give you a pinkish shade on your lips ever.

Remedy - #1

Scrub : To make this scrub you required
  • White sugar / Brown sugar
  • Almond oil
Take 1 tbsp of sugar in a bowl and add few drops of almond oil. Now gently combine the mixture. What you have to do just take few amount of this solution in your finger tips and gently rub on your lips.

This remedy is very useful because it will exfoliate your lips. it will removes those dry , dead freaky skin cells on your lips and gives you a smooth soft lips. Use this remedy every alternative day or you can use it daily for best result.

Remedy - #2

Butter massage : To make this you required
  • Unsalted melted butter
  • Honey
Take 1 tsp of unsalted melted butter and 1 tsp of pure honey then mix it both well. Now what you have to do, just take a little of it on your fingers and cool massage on your lips for 5-10 minutes . If you want then you can leave it on your lips overnight.

Honey is natural moisturizer so it will make your lips pink smooth and it will also condition on your lips. Butter also contains an excellent moisturizer. It will super condition on your lips and make it smooth and lustrous.

Remedy - #3

Beetroot massage : In this remedy you only required beetroot slices.

Take one beetroot slice and gently rub it on your lips for 4-5 minutes. Apply this remedy twice a day, one in the morning and one before going to bed so this will gives you a pinkish shade on your lips and naturally lighten your dark lips.

These three remedies that you have to follow to get super soft pink lips.

Homemade Peel face Pack for Fair and Radiant Skin

Fair and glowing Skin

Today I'll tell you an effective home remedy that will help reduction of dark spots , pimple or acne and any other skin blemishes. It will also prevent premature aging and will make your complexion brighter and glowing.
Let's start to the procedure that how to make this home pack.

The things that you required to make this pack :

  1. Orange peel powder ( you can make this powder just you have to dry the orange peel for 2-3 hours on hot sun and then grind that to a fine powder )
  2. Pomegranate peel powder ( you can make this similar as i told you in orange peel powder)
  3. Honey
  4. Yogurt
Let's prepare this in a bowl. take 2 tbsp of orange peel powder, 2 tbsp of pomegranate peel powder and properly mix this. Now add 2 tbsp of yogurt and 1 tbsp of honey and mix this together well. if your pack will become very thick then you can add extra tbsp of yogurt then now gently mix for better pack.

Apply this pack on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. After this, wash your face with lukewarm water and if you have a dry skin then just pop out a vitamin-E capsule and then Apply it on your face or neck.

Advantage of using this pack :

  • Orange peel
This pack contain orange peel as you know that orange peel they are high vitamin-C so they gives your skin to a fairer and brighter complexion, they fade away the dark spots, pimple and acne scars and also gives you a radiant and youthful glow.
  • Pomegranate peel
Pomegranate peel are highly rich in anti-oxygen and vitamins. they gives your skin smooth texture and boost your skin elasticity and also prevent premature aging.
  • Honey
Honey as you know for blemish free skin because its reduces pimples and any other skin blemishes.
  •  Yogurt
Yogurt gives your skin glow and gives you feeling of a cool relax skin.

For best result use this pack twice a week.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Get Fair skin in a week ( Natural remedies )

get fair skin

5 instant ways to get fair skin

Hello, Today i'em going to tell you that how you will get fair skin instant in a week with homemade remedies. i'em write down 5 way to lighten your skin in bellow.

Fair Skin - Remedy #1  
squeeze a lemon in a bowl and add rose water then mix it well. Now what you have to do just mix one tbsp of this solution to your  moisturizer lotion and apply that on your face. follow it at least 7 days to lighten or fairer your skin naturally. 

Fair Skin - Remedy #2

Now the second remedy you required cold milk and turmeric. Take some milk in a bowl and just add pinch of turmeric and then gently mix it well. Now take a cotton ball and apply it on your skin for 2-5 minutes then wash it with clean water. Its raw milk and turmeric naturally lighten your skin tone and complexion. it contains powerful skin whitening properties , and turmeric also contain anti aging properties that's helps to remove wrinkles.

Fair Skin - Remedy #3

In the third remedy you required a cup of filtered water, 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel and 1/4 lemon. Now mix the all ingredients well. Then pour this solution to ice cube trays and freeze it. So now take an ice cube daily and gently massage on your skin in the morning. It will give you a fresh and glowing skin because aloe vera is a pack of beneficial nutrients and vitamins which naturally whiten your skin tone. so follow this remedy for at least 10 days to get fresh and fair skin.

 Fair Skin - Remedy #4

Now for the forth remedy you required raw milk and sandalwood powder that's all. Mix both the remedies as a pack then clean your face with warm water and apply this pack for around 20 minutes or until it completely dry out and then wash your face with cold water. follow this 3 times in a week for getting a glow and fairer skin.

 Fair Skin - Remedy #5

The final remedy its extremely beneficial for those have normal and oily skin. Blend a tomato and squeeze lemon together then add gram flour for make a paste. once the pack is ready wash your face with lukewarm water then apply a thick coat of this pack. Let it leave on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. follow this remedy every alternate days for uptu 2 weeks for getting a healthy fairer skin.   

These are the 5 homemade remedy for skin whitening. you can easily make and apply it in your home without any side effects.

How to whiten skin with LEMON


Lemon is one of the stunner fruit for skin. its have natural bleaching agent which whiten your skin tone and bleaching your facial hair. its also have pigmentation, blemishes, dark circles and spots. so today i'em going to tell you 5 natural way to how whiten your skin by using lemon.

  • Lemon face whitening moisturizer :

What you need :

  1. Aloe vera gel half tbsp
  2. Almond oil half tbsp
  3. Lemon juice one tbsp
Take a bowl, now mix all the three ingredients. Apply this mix up to your skin at night before go to bed for moisturizing your skin and wash it in the morning.

  • Lemon Fairness pack :
What you Need :

  1. Sandalwood powder around one tbsp
  2. Half Lemon
  3. If you have dry or sensitive skin then you can add honey
Mix all the ingredients well. once the pack is ready then clean your face by rose water with cotton or directly. Then apply a thick layer of this pack on your face and leave it until the pack will dry, after then wash it.
This pack is a natural fairness pack, it helps remove tan and its also helps pigmentation . apart from this it's very good for those people who have oily face because the anti bacteria of sandalwood which reduce pimple and acne and also shrink large pose. lemon juice is loaded with vitamin-c that's give you a naturally fair skin complexion. you can use it every alternate day for best result.

  • Lemon Skin whitening exfoliation :

What you need :

  1. one tbsp of salt
  2. one tbsp of coconut oil
  3. half of lemon
Take the salt in a bowl and squeeze the lemon on it, now add the coconut oil and mix it well. once it will done then you have to do clean your face with water . Now take a amount of this scrub and gently massage  on your skin about 2-5 minutes and then wash up with cool water.
This exfoliation its remove tan and dead skin cells which gives you the smooth and naturally whitening glow skin.

  • Lemon Whitening Toner :

What you need :

  1. Two tbsp of lemon juice
  2. Two tbsp of rose water

Mix equal part of rose water with lemon juice and mix it well. now take a cotton ball and tip it into the solution and clean your face. use this process twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening to get a naturally fair complexion .the mix up of lemon and rose water gives you the glow fair skin.

  • Lemon Skin whitening massage cream :
What you need :

  1. Two tbsp of ripe papaya paste
  2. Half tbsp of Glycerin/honey
  3. Half lemon 
Add all the ingredients and mix it well. now massage it on your face to 2-5 minutes and leave it around another 10 minutes and then wash your face with clean water. 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Stop hair fall fast by using ONION ( 100% work )

Fresh Onion

Nowadays one of the our biggest problem is hair fall. There is seven people out of ten is suffering from hair fall problem. falling hair 150-200 daily, it's a general thing but if your hair have been fall more than 200 daily then it's indication of baldness. There have lots of people who give you various of solutions or how to use onion but i am going to tell you that how onion helps you to regrow your hair and exactly how to use it.

Onion have Allium family and sulfur containing compound which helps to intensify the limitation of blood circulation in our hair follicles and its helps to heat our scalp so that the oxygen easily entered in your scalp from the hair root.

How to use or apply onion on your scalp ?

chopped onion

  1. Take a fresh onion or how much you need
  2. Chop the onion
  3. Make it it into juice by using mixer or any other equipments
  4. Take a cotton or using your finger for apply the onion juice to your whole area of head
  5. leave this juice to your head for 1 hour or you can leave it for whole night for best result, after then wash it.
Onion Juice

Do's or Don't

  • Some of people apply onion juice on their head for only half an hour then they washed it but i suggest you to leave onion juice on your head at least one hour.
  • Never go to your bed instant apply the juice, hold some minutes until your head observe the juice and it will become dry.
  • Many one make the juice as the large amount and store that in a bottle for next dose but its not good, for every dose you should take a fresh onion , make that into juice and apply that instantly. never store the juice for next day then it will not work properly.

Some extra tips which you have to add your daily routine for best result

  • Eat more green vegetables and fruits daily
  • Drink more water
  • Sleep at least 6-8 hours daily 
  • Don't take too much stress 
  • Bent down your head ( like your head should lower from your heart )at least 3-5 minutes daily. its helps you to send blood to your hair root.